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Create a Marquee for Your Blog

It's simple, how to create a marquee (teks runing or link or image)
The marquee tag
is a non-standard HTML markup element type which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right. is a non-standard HTML markup element type which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right. The tag was first introduced in early versions of Microsoft 's Internet Explorer , and was compared to Netscape 's blink element , as a proprietary non-standard extension to the HTML standard with usability problems. The tag was first introduced in early versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and the company was to Netscape's blink element, a proprietary non-standard extensions to the HTML standard with usability problems.
Because text within a marquee is not always visible, it violates the basic nature of web pages, which are eminently skimmable. Because the text within a marquee is not always the Visible, it violates the basic nature of the web pages, which are eminently skimmable. Users typically glance over a page and decide what, if anything, to read (using headlines, bold text, bullets, etc.), but marquees, like the blink element , hide text at certain points, meaning at any given time, scanning the page may fail (or take longer). Users typically glance over a page and decide what, if anything, to read (using headlines, bold text, bullets, etc.), But marquees, like the blink element, hide the text at certain points, meaning at any given time, scanning the page file may (or take longer). Links within marquees are notoriously difficult to click, and users only get one chance every time it scrolls past. Links within marquees are notoriously difficult to click, and users only get one chance every time it scrolls past. This can easily frustrate users. This can easily frustrate users.
  • Align : Uses the same syntax as the img tag. Align: uses the same syntax as the img tag.
  • Behavior : Allows the user to set the behavior of the marquee to one of three different types: Behavior: Mind the user to set the Behavior of the marquee to one of three different types:

    • Scroll - DEFAULT. Scroll - default. Scrolls the text from right-to-left, and restarts at the right side of the marquee when it has reached the left side. The text Scrolls from right-to-left, and restarts at the right side of the marquee when it has reached the left side.
    • Slide - Deprecated Slide - Deprecated
    • Alternate - Text 'bounces' from the left side of the box to the right side. Alternate - Text 'bounces' from the left side of the box to the right side.
Teks berjalan / Marquee Run text / Marquee
Untuk membuat teks berjalan kita menggunakan beberapa kode - To make the text we use to run some code marquee
1. 1. Teks berjalan ke kiri - text runs to the left
copy and paste to your blog or web copy and paste to your blog or website
hasilnya akan seperti ini-the result will be like this

Teks berjalan ke kiri The text runs to the left
2. 2. teks berjalan ke kanan - text running to the right
copy and paste this code for your web or blog copy and paste this code for your website or blog
hasilnya akan seperti ini - the result will be like this

Teks berjalan ke kanan Text running to the right
3. 3. membuat teks berjalan ke bawah - create a text to run down
copy and paste this code for your web or blog copy and paste this code for your website or blog
hasilnya akan seperti ini - the result will be like this

Teks berjalan ke bawah Text to walk down
4. 4. teks berjalan ke atas - text runs to the top
copy and paste this code for your web or blog copy and paste this code for your website or blog
hasilnya akan seperti ini - the result will be like this

Teks berjalan ke atas-  The text runs to the top
agar teks berjalan berhenti saat mouse didekatkan kita bisa memberikan beberapa kode seperti : onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"
text to stop running when the mouse brought near the bus to give us some code such as: onmouseover = "this.stop ()" onmouseout = "this.start ()"
cara memasukan contoh untuk di edit -  example of how to edit
copy and paste this code for your web or blog copy and paste this code for your website or blog

Teks berjalan ke bawah Text to walk down
sebenarnya tidak hanya teks yang bisa kita masukan tetapi link,image pun bisa kita masukan kedalam marque is not only the text entries, but we can link, the image can be input into our marque


Post a Comment 1 comments:

masterikuncoro said...

note :
will be translate in Indonesian language. thanks you.
Catatan :
kan kami terjemahkan dalam indonesia. tunggu aja, ok.

December 8, 2008 at 7:48 PM

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